
Showing posts from November, 2014

Marabuts of Timimoun

A Marabut is a shrine to an important imam and you can see these in the centre of Timimoun town or on the hillsides outside the town and in rural villages.   The Marabuts are cone shaped like the Fugaras but are white

Old Palaces

There are many Ksors or palaces on the outskirts of Timimoun town and in the surrounding villages. They date from 4-6 BC and were the home of an extended family, built slightly raised for protection. Some are quite well preserved and you can walk around the walls and the remains of the buildings, which are all made of pink sandstone.

Old Water System of Timimoun

The Fugaras are the water distribution systems which are unique to Timimoun. You can see plenty of these in the town, they are cone shaped brown mud brick buildings with pins sticking out of the sides that enable repairs to be done. If you go to Tasfaoud, a rural village you will be able to see a rural Fugara and these are open so you can see how they work. The water is pumped from the ground into the Fugara which then divides the water supply into sections. Each section is owned by a different person and the water is piped from the Fugara to that person's home, or garden.

SI TOUBIB ( Scènes de la vie d'un médecin au Sahara 1958 )

EDMOND REBOUL   SI TOUBIB   Scènes de la vie d'un médecin au Sahara   PRIX VÉRITÉ 1958 RENE JULLIARD Télécharger ici

L'esclave de Timimoun (livre en français)

                                    L'ESCLAVE                                             DE                                     TIMIMOUN                                                  ...

OASIS ROUGE (Livre en français)

 OASIS ROUGE en format PDF ACHEVÉ D’IMPRIMÉ EN MAI 1946 SUR LES PRESSES DE L'IMPRIMERIE FONTANA, 3, RUE PELISSIER, ALGER LIBRAIRIE C H A I X 11 bis, rue d'Isly ALGER Présentation Pierre VRILLON Télécharger ici AVANT-PROPOS Des raisons militaires en même temps qu'administratives font que mon rôle est de suivre avec une sollicitude critique et lointaine (700 kilomètres par la piste entre Béchar et Timimoun) les destinées du Gourara. Ajouterai-je que mon attention est par surcroît affectueuse ce qui vous sera expliqué par les beautés du pays et la douceur de ses habitants dont vous aurez une idée après la lecture de l'ouvrage et aussi par la personnalité des trois jeunes gens qui sont les auteurs de cette étude et qui dans ce groupe d'Oasis Sahariennes remplissent toutes les fonctions, réunissent toutes les responsabilités ? Les voici Le lieutenant Mercadier est chef de poste, c'est aussi un sage dont la tête n'a pas été tournée par...

Mint tea


people & camel


Keeping the water cool and refreshing


Teaching the Koran


Desert rose

Desert rose   is the colloquial name given to   rose -like formations of crystal clusters of   gypsum   or   baryte   which   include   abundant sand grains. The 'petals' are crystals flattened on the   c   crystallographic axis , fanning open in radiating flattened crystal clusters. The rosette   crystal habit   tends to occur when the crystals form in arid sandy conditions, such as the evaporation of a shallow salt basin. The crystals form a circular array of flat plates, giving the rock a shape similar to a   rose   blossom. Gypsum roses usually have better defined, sharper edges than baryte roses.   Celestine   and other bladed   evaporite   minerals may also form rosette clusters. They can appear either as a single rose-like bloom or as clusters of blooms, with most sizes ranging from   pea   sized to 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter. The ambient sand that is incorporated i...

people 2




singer From Timimoun ( Aicha lebgeaa)
